
This free security guide is the culmination of 2 years of intensive research into the security risks of the modern digital life. All the advice in this guide has been personally tested and verified to be accurate.

All About the Guide

This free security guide is the culmination of 2 years of intensive research into the security risks of the modern digital life.

All the advice in this guide has been personally tested and verified to be accurate.

You’ll learn about VPNs, Email, Internet Browsing, Search Engines, and more! Most of the steps in this guide are easy to implement and shouldn’t have a large impact on your daily life.

Why Should I Care?

Your data is your right. Big tech companies harvest your data, with permission hidden deep in Terms of Conditions, and use this data for their own monetary gain.

Ever seen an ad for something you’ve only talked about? Ever texted something and seen an ad for it on Instagram the next day? Feels a little suspicious, right?

A common response to internet security advocacy is, “I don’t have anything to hide, who cares?” You’re entitled to your privacy by the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th amendments to the Constitution.

Compare this to your freedom of speech: you have a right to free speech, even if you don’t have anything important to say. To deny you of that right would be outrageous.

Take back your privacy. Live free.

If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or feedback while reading the guide, don’t hesitate to contact

This guide costs time and money to develop and support. I’d greatly appreciate any donations. You can Venmo me @Tate-Walker:

Don’t Stop Here

Learn More!


Having the same password (or variates of the same) for everything is more convenient, as you don’t have to remember something new for every website you use. Read on to find out how to create a secure and memorable password.

The Need for a VPN

Imagine this: You’re in a coffee shop and they have free (unsecured) WiFi. You can browse without needing a password, but so can everyone else. With the right tools, anyone could intercept your data. An easy (and cheap) way to prevent this, is the use of a VPN.


It’s pretty apparent that Google has the search engine side of the internet on lock, but did you know that they’ve expanded to almost every internet service?